Tonight's episode started with a tremendous amount of lovemaking on the part of Nico and Victory! Not much fashion to discuss there! Thankfully for this write-up the rest of the show was suprisingsly not boring in comparison since the bulk of the fashion was refreshingly grecian inspired and the plot line twisted and turned.

The episode was fascinating because not only were we - the audience - introduced to Nico's family, but so were Wendy and Victory! And they've been friends for how long... Who would've pegged her for the girl from Queens who made it big? And, how about that character of a brother who never met an illegal offer or impulse he could say no to? I am with Griffin (formerly of Las Vegas); I definitely thought she was from Connecticut! Aside: Griffin needs more action on the show! Fashion-wise nothing about her understated but wonderfully accessorized simplicity screams "when the A train chugged by my building rattled". She is too polished which is my one complaint about her style. But for the accessories it would almost seem that she is wearing close to the same dress but in a different color. I loved that she opted for a little more variety with the tan pencil skirt and pink sweater with an amazing orange sorbet inspired chain link necklace. These two colors together were darling! And her white Grecian inspired dress for the party at Central Park was made more memorable with the two diamond jeweled belts.
As for Wendy, she was able to deal emotionally with what she was going through on the inside and bond with her daughter at the same time. I understand her pain and denial. She just lost a job she enjoyed, however on some level I think she might be needed at home especially with her daughter on the verge of finding and getting into trouble. I was fascinated at her ability to create such a tall stack of pancakes for breakfast! How fascinating the over-exaggerated way the director chose to show her propensity to multi-task and maintain an overflowing schedule. Most of her outfits were not inspiring. I guess that makes sense since she is at this point in time a homemaker. After all, what sense does it make to were couture while flipping pancakes and scrubbing windows. The olive Grecian inspired draped dress she wore to pick her son up from school was lovely although an overly glamorous choice for an after school pickup. I was relieved that although she lost her job most importantly she did not lose her fashion sense.
Victory on the other hand did not want for fashion options. Yet, while her character did not have any earth shattering emotional discoveries, with the way things ended with Rodrigo I am beginning to wonder if that is where she is headed in the future. Rodrigo does not seem comfortable in her world of high fashion and glamour. And he is so against all the idea of excess to a point of the ridiculous...who passes up a free limo ride for the subway?! He seems to be looking for the way out. Will she let him? The true test might appear life after construction we shall see then. Thankfully, Victory was less 80's glam and more 21st century polished. Loved the purple shirt with the puffed petaled shoulders and the modern flapper gray sweater look in her last scene.
We have finally seen enough of Rosie Perez to actually discuss her fashion contributions to the show. Like Nico, her character favors the tailored dress for work; however she spices up her choices to look less conservative. But what else is to be expected from a publicist! I was all for her fashion palettes - white dress with overstated gold links and black with multi-tiered gold necklace. Everything looked great until she wore the black dress with the pink trim and racy full length zipper down the back with - hold it - a bohemian inspired brown leather purse...who does that!? Whatever happened to a simple clutch or a black leather open top tote for a more professional look?
Stay tuned in the future we might see Vanessa Marcil of Las Vegas fame on the show soon. Well this is all I have to say about the show.
Hugs and besos.
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