Saturday, December 01, 2007

Diva Musings!

Hi Loves:

I am sure you've noticed that at the bottom of some of the posts I have been signing out with my thoughts entitled "Carrie Bradshaw Thoughts" - usually in yellow font. Well darlings I will now call those ruminations "Diva Musings".

Diva Musing: New people come into our lives every day. New in the sense that we have not seen them before or new in that we are able to see the same friends in different ways or new in that they themselves are going through transition. Sometimes we have used our value systems to pre-judge these people building barriers that keeps us from seeing them in new ways. How do we move past our impressions of their outsides when we have our blinders on? Like a good truffle bon bon there is so much more on the inside to enjoy than the outside shell.

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