Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Divas in the news and more...Mizrahi, Buchman

Hi Darlings:

Guess what... the sun is out for a longer period of time each day and Spring is around the corner... ok end of cheesy moment.

Expect the unforseeable to start happening in the fashion industry as well. Run not walk to Target to get the latest from Isaac Mizrahi because he is moving to Liz Clairborne which will hopefully be a boost for the House the Liz built. Dana Buchman is moving on down from Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus to Kohls...

I am now reading "The End of the Fashion: How Marketing Changed the Clothing Business Forever" by Teri Agins and I have to say there needs to be a book about marketing fashion to the masses. This new turn towards department store type settings has actually taken fashion and affordability to a whole new level especially since designers like Mizrahi who once pledged undying allegiance to haute couture are now lending their reputations and trademarks to what used to be the lowest level of pret-a-porter. I love shopping at Target - that's tar-jay to you! Money is money as they say.

Rachel Zoe knows a thing or two about making money and building an image from scratch. She is now an online consultant with Piperlime shoes.

Paula Abdul is trying to be forever our girl, while J-Lo is aiming for more Jennifer and less homegirl. I guess that comes with being a mommy.

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