Hi Diva-Socialistas:
On the last day of each year I always choose to be reflective. For me it has become the best time to reflect on what I did, the person I was and how I have changed and/or grown in the last 365 days and what my overall plans are for the coming year.
I have learned to be brave and not worry about the process of doing but rather focus on the outcome I am aiming for. I have actually been reflecting on this earlier than expected because I spent the last two weekends ice-skating. It's so funny how intimidating the ice rink can be if you have never skated before. I have noticed four types of people at the rink.
1.) The person who has never skated before but once they take a few steps and hold unto to rails they find a comfort zone and eventually feel comfortable letting go and gliding on the ice by themselves.
2.) The person who is just happy putting on the skates, getting on the ice for minute to feel how it is for the sake of the experience and never putting on ice skates again.
3.) The type who is used to inline skates and maybe skeptical at first and once they get on the ice their inner Michelle Kwan resurfaces.
4.) The person who just likes skating and goes back year after year to glide on the ice and have a good time skating with family and friends.
Whatever you plan to do next year don't sit out on the experiences that you can have in life - get out in the "rink" and just try.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Fashion Quest!
Hi Diva Socialistas:
After talking to many of you, I've decided to embark on a quest to find fashionable folks in DC. I am mostly interested in outfits built around that one piece or chic ensembles! Send me your pics and I will choose - no guarantees...;) I'll also be taking pics on my own!
After talking to many of you, I've decided to embark on a quest to find fashionable folks in DC. I am mostly interested in outfits built around that one piece or chic ensembles! Send me your pics and I will choose - no guarantees...;) I'll also be taking pics on my own!
Great DC Find
Friday, December 15, 2006
Great DC find: Belga Cafe...Yum!
Hi Diva Socialistas:
I am still excited about the wonderful chocolate desserts I just ate with my mom and sister at the Belga Cafe on Capitol Hill. Mom cooked and afterwards we tested out the desserts at the Belga. This was a great plan because whenever we go out to eat we usually don't leave room for dessert and end up missing out on the best part of the meal. The travesty!!!
We had the Vanilla Waffles with chocolate and vanilla ice cream; Belgian chocolate mousse cake and the Bart's chocoladetaart - flourless cake.
One word: Yum!
Defnitely going back for more....another great DC find!
I am still excited about the wonderful chocolate desserts I just ate with my mom and sister at the Belga Cafe on Capitol Hill. Mom cooked and afterwards we tested out the desserts at the Belga. This was a great plan because whenever we go out to eat we usually don't leave room for dessert and end up missing out on the best part of the meal. The travesty!!!
We had the Vanilla Waffles with chocolate and vanilla ice cream; Belgian chocolate mousse cake and the Bart's chocoladetaart - flourless cake.
One word: Yum!
Defnitely going back for more....another great DC find!
Great DC Find
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Diva Bugs - Fall Trunk Show
Hi Diva-Socialistas:
Where do I start?! The past week has been so eventful. I wanted to post earlier but I was caught up in the frenzy of preparing for one of my Fall shows which was held last Thursday and sponsored by the fabulous diva Claudia Rayford at her Bethesda home. It was like the best combination of holiday party, merrymaking and shopping without having to step outside. She had mini-stores for each vendor at her home! And we had Diva-tinis in celebration of DivaBugs - a recipe courtesy of Natalie Bovis-Nelsen of www.lushlife.com.
To keep with our trademark of unique designs each of our current purses and scarves were updated either with different bows, ribbons, or beads! In constructing the new changes I was sooo excited I thought I would bounce off the wall in my work room. Yum!
Here are some pics of the show...

Where do I start?! The past week has been so eventful. I wanted to post earlier but I was caught up in the frenzy of preparing for one of my Fall shows which was held last Thursday and sponsored by the fabulous diva Claudia Rayford at her Bethesda home. It was like the best combination of holiday party, merrymaking and shopping without having to step outside. She had mini-stores for each vendor at her home! And we had Diva-tinis in celebration of DivaBugs - a recipe courtesy of Natalie Bovis-Nelsen of www.lushlife.com.
To keep with our trademark of unique designs each of our current purses and scarves were updated either with different bows, ribbons, or beads! In constructing the new changes I was sooo excited I thought I would bounce off the wall in my work room. Yum!
Here are some pics of the show...

Diva Bugs Updates
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Corcoran Gallery - Runway to Reality
CORCORAN: Spring/ Summer Fashion Preview - Fall Shows Review
Hi Diva-Socialistas:
I went to the Corcoran Gallery's Runway to Reality which I found out about through the DC Fashionistas. It seems like so many of you were out that night! Wow! I sauntered into the cocktail area at the Corcoran Gallery before the event fully confident that I was way more fashion forward than most because of my new fab square-shaped black rimmed glasses. Yes I am of the belief that these frames accentuate my more intellectual side. And to those of you with your mouths agape - YES, I WEAR GLASSES! Like why doesn't anyone notice me anymore? I digress.
So, I showed up at the event and everyone is dressed to the nines! Loved it .. a fashion stylists dream as I was told in not those words by a fashion stylists/diva-socialista in attendance. She was surprised to see the on point boots, sharp combos and daring colors. I feel like I am critiquing the fall fashion in DC - call me the local Andre Leon Talley!
Well anywho, the gathering was great. We had cocktails and networking beforehand and then we moved on the watch a report on the Fall fashion shows - NY, Paris and Milan put together by the Fashion Group International. I have to admit this was my first time attending such an event and I was appreciative of the constricted and focused report of all the shows from the Fall.
The topic du jour was the couture patrons disenchantment with the couture designers and the designers out of touch designs that won't sell.
What did I like and dislike: I loved that clutches are in for the next season. The Diane Von Furstenburg and Chanel lines were simple and chic as usual. I do question the itsy-bitsy underwear size shorts throughout the Chanel line. I am not sure who will buy and wear these on the streets. I loved that long blazers are back in. The mixtures of 80's jumpsuit velour looks with high fashion has got to go - Jean Paul Gaultier. The Versace dresses had a nice balance of color.
The critiques of the individual clothing lines were on point. While some designers were daring - disappearing dress - that is controlled mechanically to shrink to nothing or the 15th century romantic line of dresses with prosthetically well-endowed behinds. Who is going to buy a 15th Century inspired gown with a large behind sewn into it. Even Beyonce and J-lo would prefer the natural to the not so normal.
The report also focused on the simple and classic looks of Marc Jacobs and Tracey Reese for example, who are probably the boring American dsigners not as fun as Isaac Mizrahi's Spring line who everyone is looking forward to seeing in the Spring 2007.
At the end of the day, the designers are looking for as much publicity as they can. Publicity attracts investors but not necessarily buyers when there are only 2 or 3 pieces in a well thought out show that can convert to sales. Some use starlets while others use both the ingenue and the outlandish design to attract attention. At the end of the day it is all a show.
These are my thoughts and I can tell you I still have lots to learn!
Ciao Divas!
Hi Diva-Socialistas:
I went to the Corcoran Gallery's Runway to Reality which I found out about through the DC Fashionistas. It seems like so many of you were out that night! Wow! I sauntered into the cocktail area at the Corcoran Gallery before the event fully confident that I was way more fashion forward than most because of my new fab square-shaped black rimmed glasses. Yes I am of the belief that these frames accentuate my more intellectual side. And to those of you with your mouths agape - YES, I WEAR GLASSES! Like why doesn't anyone notice me anymore? I digress.
So, I showed up at the event and everyone is dressed to the nines! Loved it .. a fashion stylists dream as I was told in not those words by a fashion stylists/diva-socialista in attendance. She was surprised to see the on point boots, sharp combos and daring colors. I feel like I am critiquing the fall fashion in DC - call me the local Andre Leon Talley!
Well anywho, the gathering was great. We had cocktails and networking beforehand and then we moved on the watch a report on the Fall fashion shows - NY, Paris and Milan put together by the Fashion Group International. I have to admit this was my first time attending such an event and I was appreciative of the constricted and focused report of all the shows from the Fall.
The topic du jour was the couture patrons disenchantment with the couture designers and the designers out of touch designs that won't sell.
What did I like and dislike: I loved that clutches are in for the next season. The Diane Von Furstenburg and Chanel lines were simple and chic as usual. I do question the itsy-bitsy underwear size shorts throughout the Chanel line. I am not sure who will buy and wear these on the streets. I loved that long blazers are back in. The mixtures of 80's jumpsuit velour looks with high fashion has got to go - Jean Paul Gaultier. The Versace dresses had a nice balance of color.
The critiques of the individual clothing lines were on point. While some designers were daring - disappearing dress - that is controlled mechanically to shrink to nothing or the 15th century romantic line of dresses with prosthetically well-endowed behinds. Who is going to buy a 15th Century inspired gown with a large behind sewn into it. Even Beyonce and J-lo would prefer the natural to the not so normal.
The report also focused on the simple and classic looks of Marc Jacobs and Tracey Reese for example, who are probably the boring American dsigners not as fun as Isaac Mizrahi's Spring line who everyone is looking forward to seeing in the Spring 2007.
At the end of the day, the designers are looking for as much publicity as they can. Publicity attracts investors but not necessarily buyers when there are only 2 or 3 pieces in a well thought out show that can convert to sales. Some use starlets while others use both the ingenue and the outlandish design to attract attention. At the end of the day it is all a show.
These are my thoughts and I can tell you I still have lots to learn!
Ciao Divas!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Great DC Find - Tiffany Belk's Cards
Hey Divas,
So why did I have a heel- brakes - pause - jaw drop - shoes glued to the ground moment when I eye-balled Tiffany Belks cards! Now you know I love collecting stationery. A closer look and I saw how fashionably brilliant of Tiffany to couple fashion illustrations with catchy phrases like "Cinderella Aint Got Nothing On You!" Loved it and had to buy a bunch for my collection! These cards are sexier than Mahogany but quite timely for those of us seeking more expressive stationery options!
So, perfect for the Diva in all of us!
Another Great DC Find!
Here are some pics.....

So why did I have a heel- brakes - pause - jaw drop - shoes glued to the ground moment when I eye-balled Tiffany Belks cards! Now you know I love collecting stationery. A closer look and I saw how fashionably brilliant of Tiffany to couple fashion illustrations with catchy phrases like "Cinderella Aint Got Nothing On You!" Loved it and had to buy a bunch for my collection! These cards are sexier than Mahogany but quite timely for those of us seeking more expressive stationery options!
So, perfect for the Diva in all of us!
Another Great DC Find!
Here are some pics.....

Great DC Find
Saturday, December 09, 2006
DC - Fashion Sense Not Limited To Trench Coats!
Hi Divas:
As mentioned earlier my latest project has been to scavenger http://www.meetup.com to research these groups and find out what they are all about. Naturally, I was attracted immediately to the fashion, entrepreneur and intellectual groups. I thought that sticking to my comfort zone was a good way to introduce myself to the groups. I am glad I made that decision because I did not want to be inundated with events and board posting when I have little time to socialize as it is.....
My first meeting was with the DC Fashionistas founded by Abigail de Casanova. I signed up for this group and right away I knew they were different than the usual networking outlets like Myspace. These women were all about business of fashion and not finding romantic dates or building their online friends list. Their online board entries had to do with the fashion industry and information on just about every fashion show in the city even the one that they put together last Saturday, December 9th at Panache. (Ummmm yeah....next show Diva Bugs)
I even found out about http://www.vocationvacations.com on their message boards. This is a site where you can apprentice with an expert in any field while on vacation so like if you wanted to shadow a potato farmer, cowboy or a surf board maker you can or they can try to set it up if its not readily available. Whatever you want...what an exciting idea - don't want to be a potato farmer but it is worth the go.
I then attended one of their fashion show planning meeting. The fashionistas who design, model and do make up were all in the house. Exciting! Like minded people in one room. It was great seeing this in action since everyone talks about DC folks having no fashion sense. I believe that to be a myth.
And who says diva-socialistas only shop and do lunches and brunches! Regular ladies with budgets are diva-socialistas too!
Here are some pics of the Sat., Dec. 9th show at Panache:

Pictures courtesy of Heidi (1) and DC Fashionista meetup board (2-4).
As mentioned earlier my latest project has been to scavenger http://www.meetup.com to research these groups and find out what they are all about. Naturally, I was attracted immediately to the fashion, entrepreneur and intellectual groups. I thought that sticking to my comfort zone was a good way to introduce myself to the groups. I am glad I made that decision because I did not want to be inundated with events and board posting when I have little time to socialize as it is.....
My first meeting was with the DC Fashionistas founded by Abigail de Casanova. I signed up for this group and right away I knew they were different than the usual networking outlets like Myspace. These women were all about business of fashion and not finding romantic dates or building their online friends list. Their online board entries had to do with the fashion industry and information on just about every fashion show in the city even the one that they put together last Saturday, December 9th at Panache. (Ummmm yeah....next show Diva Bugs)
I even found out about http://www.vocationvacations.com on their message boards. This is a site where you can apprentice with an expert in any field while on vacation so like if you wanted to shadow a potato farmer, cowboy or a surf board maker you can or they can try to set it up if its not readily available. Whatever you want...what an exciting idea - don't want to be a potato farmer but it is worth the go.
I then attended one of their fashion show planning meeting. The fashionistas who design, model and do make up were all in the house. Exciting! Like minded people in one room. It was great seeing this in action since everyone talks about DC folks having no fashion sense. I believe that to be a myth.
And who says diva-socialistas only shop and do lunches and brunches! Regular ladies with budgets are diva-socialistas too!
Here are some pics of the Sat., Dec. 9th show at Panache:

Pictures courtesy of Heidi (1) and DC Fashionista meetup board (2-4).
Great DC Find
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